Wednesday, October 24, 2018


One of the things I learned as a Political Science major many years ago was to  carefully choose words. Especially knowing the exact meaning of words was crucial to convey meaning. 

Often I think about my calling as "Provident Living Supervisor" and pick it apart to understand what it really means. 

Provident is defined as (1) making provision for the future: prudent.  (2) Frugal, Saving.

So, I see it as living in a way to continually prepare for the future while being frugal and saving resources for a rainy day.  And then, not only living this way myself, but helping all of you to live the same way.  Living frugally is not always easy.  It takes effort, vigilance, and constant watchfulness. 

The Church has a Provident Living website that is fantastic.  It has resources on so many topics ranging from education to food storage. 

This week, take a look at this site, find a topic that interests you or maybe just something you would like to learn more about.  Take just 15 minutes or so and read a Conference Talk or look through a pamphlet.  I often feel like Church leaders can say things so much better than I can.  Prayerfully consider one thing you can do to live more providently to prepare for the future. 

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