Sunday, September 17, 2017

A New Purpose

Well hello there! It has been over 5 years since my last post and to say that life got too busy for this blog is an understatement! I recently got called to be the Provident Living Leader for my church congregation and as part of my responsibilities, I send out (almost) weekly tips and tricks with food storage, meal planning, preparedness, etc. I want a place to gather these so I can remember what I have already written and give a place to send people who want to read past blurbs. So, this is it. The purpose for this blog has changed for a bit. Life is busy now. We have 8 kids ranging 17 down to 6 months. Our oldest is away at BYU Provo and we are living in beautiful San Diego County, trying to enjoy all the amazing things our little farm has to offer while working to not get crushed by California taxes and regulation. I hope you find some of my provident living thoughts helpful as you help your family prepare for the best...and the worst. Enjoy!

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