Welcome to Homeschooling!
I realize many of you are not choosing this course, but whether you feel ready or not, here we are. I do not know what the school districts are doing during this time, but I want to give you resources and ideas for you and your children to succeed.
I have been homeschooling for almost 20 years, and though it is not always fantastic and easy, I have learned a few things that I want to share with you! I have some ideas, free resources, some not so free (but nonetheless less fabulous) resources. And, since no one homeschools the same way (Read: there is no wrong way to do this), I have reached out to some other homeschool moms that I respect and love for ideas and wisdom. So, though this may be a bit lengthy, there are many jewels to be found.
Neither I, or any of those I quote receive any compensation for any products or ideas listed. What we recommend are things we have tried and love.
From RaeLyn (that's me):
DON'T panic. You got this! You are your child's best teacher! You know them better than anyone else and Heavenly Father has blessed you with unique tools to be able to help your kids like no one else.
DON'T go crazy and spend a ton of money thinking you have to find tons of books and materials to teach your kids or keep them entertained.
DON'T try to recreate public school at home. It will not work. This is an adventure for everyone! Think differently!
DON'T beat yourself up. Yes, this journey is fun, but it is also hard. Really hard, like Mom needs a timeout hard. But remember that if you didn't care so much, you wouldn't be feeling it so strongly. As long as you are doing your very best, it is enough. (Oh, and don't yell...you'll regret it every time)
DO pray, pray, pray. You will be able to know how to teach your children, Heavenly Father cares so much about you and them! I promise, he will never leave you stranded and will answer your questions.
DO make a schedule. You don't have to stick to in rigidly, but it helps everyone know what to expect as the day begins. It helps to change activities often to keep everyone engaged. This also prevents the chaos that makes most moms say, "I can't wait until my kids are back in school." I have said the same thing after a long break. It's not sending the kids away to school we need...it's a schedule.
DO read! Reading as a family is amazing! Remember your favorite books as a kid and read to your children, read with your children, and have them read to you! For ideas of great books (you know those ones that always teach you something and leave you better than you were before?), check out this list.
DO have your kids help you with your "normal chores." Teach them to do laundry, cook meals, clean the home, help with yardwork. Even the little ones are more capable than you can imagine.
DO teach life skills. This is a great opportunity to teach so many things that we don't normally have time for: gardening, typing, sewing, quilting (shameless plug for my favorite hobby, great idea found here), needlecrafts, family history, scrapbooking, etc.
DO remember, Life is school! We all learn from experiences. It does not have to fall under the categories of "Math, Reading, Science or History" to learn from it. Even learning how to change a diaper or make a schedule is learning!
DO spend time outside. Run, play games, do sports as a family, etc.
DO give time for kids to do "whatever they want." But not too much time where everyone begins to get grumpy. I usually give my kiddos about an hour a day.
DO reward. Whether a chart with stickers, a promise of a game, or a little bit of screen time at the end of the day, let them help you choose a reward for things accomplished.
DO include your kids in decisions. They will be excited if they know they have a say. I have seen miracles from parents who ask their kids to pray with them to find educational answers.
DO start out slow. Slamming your kids with a full load of learning all at once is hard and discouraging. Pick a focus subject for each kid and let them succeed with that before adding other things. You will know where the balance is (remember that prayer thing? That comes in handy here too).
DO use this time to pick something specific to work on. Does your child need extra help with math facts, reading, exercise, etc?
DO include Dad. He has some great ideas, helps, and can provide stability and assistance. Even if he is not able to be in the trenches, he also receives inspiration for your kids, and their education.
DO strive to be happy. This may be the hardest thing you have ever done, and not every moment will be rosy and joy-filled. Fake it if you have to, but your kids will pick up on your attitude (and will most often copy it).
DO see this as an adventure! It will have its ups and downs, but keep praying and look for the blessings along the way.
DO take a bit of time every day to be by yourself. Pray, read your scriptures, etc. Make sure your kids know that it's Mom's time. (give all the little angels something to do so they stay busy during this time). It will help you rejuvenate.
DO keep praying, every step of the way. And then pray some more.
I seriously could write pages about almost all of the above topics. If you would like to hear more on any of these, let me know. I can expand.
There are several groups offering free teaching resources. This list is not at all exhaustive, but it will give you a place to start. (some of these I am seeing for the first time myself!)
Latter-Day Saint Home Educator Association has great webinars (be sure to check out the one by Marlene Peterson)
Happy Homeschooling is a great resource that will answer a ton of questions and help you be motivated. Diane also has some great ideas.
The Good and the Beautiful. Language Arts Curriculum is free for levels 1-5. They also have a free Marine Biology Science Unit.
Khan Academy is great for Math practice, and many other subjects!
Raising Wonder is giving free daily art lessons (and they have so many other fantastic ideas!)
Easy Peasy Homeschool. Oh my, so much to peruse!
Scholastic is currently offering free online courses.
DuoLingohttps://www.duolingo.com/. Learn a new language.
American Heritage Family School is offering their LDS based curriculum free until June.
Homeschoolshare.comhttps://www.homeschoolshare.com/. Free literature-based unit studies for all ages.
bedtimemath.com typingclub.com bravewriter.com smash, boom, best (podcast)
youtube: vi hart, periodic videos,
school house rock, skip counting or times tables songs
youtube: vi hart, periodic videos,
school house rock, skip counting or times tables songs
Brains on podcast
If you need some TV time, consider using YouTube to show your kids recordings of Shakespearean plays, classic ballet like swan lake or Jane Austin.
For not-free, but awesome consider looking at:
The Good and the Beautiful. History, Science, Language Arts, Books, Typing, oh so much. I use many of these materials in my homeschool. They teach great principles and are in an easy "open and go" format. They are also very affordable.
Teaching textbooks math. Not free, but affordable, thorough, easy on the parent, and fun for kids.
And, I really could go on and on here as there are so much fantastic curricula out there. But, if you need help tailoring things to your kiddo and family, I am happy to help you. Please reach out to me! (raelynstoddard(at)hotmail(dot)com)
OK, on to ideas from other experienced mamas. I love that some things repeat, but that will give you an idea of things that really work well.
From our ward: DaNell Friebe (also is available to help you if needed)
Let go and have fun. Connect to their interests! Ask each of your kids what they would like to learn about. What they want to do. Then build around their ideas. Do they want to make bread? Plant a garden? Build something? Paint their room? Learn a language? Learn an instrument? Rebuild an engine? Give them a chance to find resources online that can assist them and work together as a family or one on one to do something they are interested in. This is a rare opportunity to connect to them and their passions and do things you might not have had the time to do before.
Play games together! So much learning can be done through games. There is lots of math in Monopoly, strategy in Clue, vocabulary in Scrabble and Password.
Read together! Pick up a good family read and enjoy a delightful journey together. Read outside, have a picnic, make a blanket fort, turn out the lights and use a flashlight, find the place you are reading about on a map, draw pictures, build with legos, etc.
You got this moms!
From Kim Kunz, a fun mom with super fun kids in the Fallbrook 1st Ward:
My 2 cents...I've been homeschooling for 5 years.
1. Homeschool is NOT school at home. They are not the same in any way. That means all lesson plans have to be flexible! And can branch out whenever needed. So if your'e doing science and your kid asks a question off topic, dive in! Its so fun.
2. Embrace the chaos. Especially if you have more than one kid. They are experiencing so much change to their world right now! Usually when someone pulls out of public and goes to homeschool, i tell them to "deschool" for at least a week! Play games, read books, dig into anything they want to learn about! Let them start to trust you as a source of so much knowledge! That usually means there are some messes and some unfinished chores. But it will be better in the long run if you can give them that time now.
3. Everyone will have bad days. Like throw books and get frustrated. It doesn't mean you are doing something wrong. It just means someone needs a break. Or a day off. Don't worry about fitting it all in or doing it all in one day. Just do what you can. And remember. At the end of the day your relationship with your kid will always be more important than the facts they learn. :)
Also...us homeschoolers are also used to being able to get out! Libraries, zoos, parks...those are a huge part of our classroom. So we are ALL adjusting to this. If you get cabin fever, we are there with you! Its totally normal and does NOT make you incapable of teaching your children. Haha
Chores. Assign chores. Anything they CAN do (which is more than you think) have them do! Sweep. Dishes. Laundry. Lunches. It will make a world of difference if they help! And you won't hate them because you are following them around cleaning ;)
One more thing...if you are like my family, use MUSIC! i find when everyone is melting down, turning on background music helps! Classical is great. Sometimes we have a quick break dance party and then back to work. It is such a detox for us!
From Juventa Vezzani, a great friend I visit taught years ago in Manassas, VA
Make it fun.
Hands on science.
Make a cloud - boiling water, bag of ice on top, and match. If you’re lucky it will rain in the jar. Read “A Single Drop of Water” and learn about the water cycle.
Paper clips aluminum foil boats - see whose boat will stay afloat the longest
Metamorphic pancakes (study of metamorphic rocks). Make fun pancakes with fillings. Heat, pressure, and chemical reaction
Two cups different colors in water. Cold water and hot water. Mix together and see what happens.
Grow sugar crystal rock candy
Living books - read, read, read
Play games
Pandemic - save the world from the outbreaks
Quirkle - colors and shapes
Set - patterns, colors, shapes
Quiddler (regular or jr) word game
Jacks - math
Vocabulary bingo/hangman
Story cubes
Viking day - dress up like Vikings, make Viking bread, reenact a battle, read stories.
Any history reenactment and time period food party.
Learn about Family history. Matching game with printed photos.
Virtual field trips.
Nature walks
Art study - monet paintings in nature.
Investigator. Have a photo. Describe it to kids. Have them draw what you describe. See who draws it the best.
Guess what’s in the box. Yes/no questions.
Movie time. Family time. Enjoy it!!!!
Campfire s’mores in the backyard.
Hands on science.
Make a cloud - boiling water, bag of ice on top, and match. If you’re lucky it will rain in the jar. Read “A Single Drop of Water” and learn about the water cycle.
Paper clips aluminum foil boats - see whose boat will stay afloat the longest
Metamorphic pancakes (study of metamorphic rocks). Make fun pancakes with fillings. Heat, pressure, and chemical reaction
Two cups different colors in water. Cold water and hot water. Mix together and see what happens.
Grow sugar crystal rock candy
Living books - read, read, read
Play games
Pandemic - save the world from the outbreaks
Quirkle - colors and shapes
Set - patterns, colors, shapes
Quiddler (regular or jr) word game
Jacks - math
Vocabulary bingo/hangman
Story cubes
Viking day - dress up like Vikings, make Viking bread, reenact a battle, read stories.
Any history reenactment and time period food party.
Learn about Family history. Matching game with printed photos.
Virtual field trips.
Nature walks
Art study - monet paintings in nature.
Investigator. Have a photo. Describe it to kids. Have them draw what you describe. See who draws it the best.
Guess what’s in the box. Yes/no questions.
Movie time. Family time. Enjoy it!!!!
Campfire s’mores in the backyard.
From Kelsey Eastburn, a fun friend in the Vista 9th Ward.
Encourage people to have a rough schedule: breakfast, chores, "school time", lunch, outside play, rest quietly in bed, help make dinner, play with daddy, go to bed. But BE FLEXIBLE! Go outside to play as often as necessary!
-Read, read, read, read, read!!! Fiction, picture books, poetry, plays, biographies, animal fact books, science fact books, classics, silly books, comic books, ANYTHING!!
-help your child make play dough and discuss measurements and ratios then play with alphabet cookie cutters
-build a blanket fort inside or outside to sit and read in
-head to the library and grab any books you can about awesome, or less than awesome people from history (Marie Curie, Joan of Arc, George Washington, Galileo, etc.) Read as much as your kids can stand about those people (while the kids play play dough, color do puzzles, play with legos or any other quiet activity) and then print a picture of that person and hang it on a ribbon on the wall to form a timeline along with pictures of many other people.
-sudoku puzzles (free printables online)
-mad libs
-word searches
-crossword puzzles
-brain teasers and riddles
-printable coloring pages
-print out a chart of asl alphabet signs and try only speaking to each other by "sign-spelling"
-buy a bunch of postage stamps and some cheap stationary from Dollar Tree or Walmart and write letters to people who could use a lift. Ideas include: family members who live far away, older people who are stuck inside, military service people, missionaries, senators (good lesson opportunity on writing your local politician with concerns), church leaders, etc.
-make a "mailbox" that sits on the counter or somewhere visible. Encourage everyone to drop love notes for each other in the mailbox throughout the day and check the box every morning. Let them use that cheap stationary to write letters to each other as well to send in the mail
-Teach the kids how to send an email and let them email grandparents and loved ones
-Type up a story that your child makes up and dictates to you
-Cook together! Teach your child how to read a recipe, crack an egg, measure, stir, scramble, boil and chop...there's lots that can be chopped using a butter knife!
-get a cheap journal or sketch book and make it your "nature journal". Go outside every day and sit quietly; sketch what you see or describe it or collect leaves/feathers/anything and glue it into your journal
-have a "nature shelf" somewhere in your house where the kids can display the beautiful nature things they find like a museum display (snail shells, heart-shaped rocks, flower petals, pine cones, etc.)
-Try your best to enjoy this time with your kiddos and don't stress about doing anything "right". When in doubt, just snuggle!
From Rachel Young, a dear friend who recently moved to Oklahoma.
Consistent routine helps us the most. Start off with a morning opening where you do a song, prayer, the pledge, scripture study, memory work (like the family proclamation), then break off for academic work.
“Star charts” for good behavior—the purpose is for the parent to call out the good. Examples: clearing their dish, making their bed without being asked, sharing with a sibling, having a good attitude about an assignment that was hard, brushing their teeth without being asked, etc. When everyone fills out their chart with stars then the whole family gets to have a treat.
“Star charts” for good behavior—the purpose is for the parent to call out the good. Examples: clearing their dish, making their bed without being asked, sharing with a sibling, having a good attitude about an assignment that was hard, brushing their teeth without being asked, etc. When everyone fills out their chart with stars then the whole family gets to have a treat.
From Jennifer McLaughlin, a fantastic Temecula mama I had the opportunity to teach a class with last year.
My first thought, and one that I have already shared with some looking for where to start is to begin a good read-aloud as a family. The kids can engage their hands in a quiet activity if desired, or just snuggle on the couch... but I think having a read aloud is a great way to learn together and to pass some time!!! It can prompt some great discussions about character and life lessons. I usually recommend a couple of older classics like Little Britches or Swiss Family Robinson... and also a couple more recent ones like Wonder or Frindle... so they can find something that would appeal to their family. We are reading Tom Sawyer as a family right now... and I recently purchased Pax that we'll be reading together next (I haven't read that one before!).
From Rowena Greenwood, a veteran homeschooler in the Vista 8th ward.
Wow, there is really so much. And some would depend on the ages of the children.
At this time I would try playing games especially math games, memory games, and discussing current events. How about reading all those books you've been putting off. Pick a book to read aloud as a family.
Yard work when it's not raining of course.
Cooking together.
Sewing projects.
There are great things online as well such as nature documentaries, science, history.
And, because you the parent are teaching you can point out "undoctrines".
From my sweet friend Emily Gleason in the VIsta 8th ward:
If your child is complaining and doesn’t want to complete their school work, stop what you are doing and try something fun, but educational instead like a fun science project, or reading a chapter book aloud, gardening, cooking etc.
Do math first thing. I feel like my kids’ little brains do better at math in the morning.
Don’t turn on the tv or electronics until after school is over. There will be zero focusing on school work if you do.
Stick to a schedule and your kids will know what to expect. They’ll stop complaining about having to do school after a while and just get going with what’s expected of them.
Take advantage of having them with you! Cuddles on the couch with a good book is a better education than anything I can think of!
Use the scriptures for learning how to read and write and you’ll find that gospel discussions will flow easily and testimonies will grow! (As well as the added benefit of helping them read and write like champs!)
Our kids grow up so fast. Enjoy this precious time you have together.
Do math first thing. I feel like my kids’ little brains do better at math in the morning.
Don’t turn on the tv or electronics until after school is over. There will be zero focusing on school work if you do.
Stick to a schedule and your kids will know what to expect. They’ll stop complaining about having to do school after a while and just get going with what’s expected of them.
Take advantage of having them with you! Cuddles on the couch with a good book is a better education than anything I can think of!
Use the scriptures for learning how to read and write and you’ll find that gospel discussions will flow easily and testimonies will grow! (As well as the added benefit of helping them read and write like champs!)
Our kids grow up so fast. Enjoy this precious time you have together.
Whew! If you made it this far, hurrah! I hope you can refer back to this amazing list often. I know I have learned a few things!
Remember: You are not in this alone. Some of us are just a little farther on the "home education" path, but we are here to help each other!
And remember...Have Fun and Pray often!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing this article. Bye the way, I love Khan Academy because the math videos are absolutely amazing. I read it on another blog that 90% of the videos are taken in a single shot. Just imagine, how much hard work these guys are putting in.
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