Tuesday, March 6, 2018


I am a homeschool mom.  Most days it is pretty great.  The best thing about it (other then spending time with my kids) is that I get to learn amazing things.  While homeschooling, I have finally understood functions (remember Calculus?), learned the story behind each of the soldiers in the famous Iwo Jima statue, discovered the reason why the reaction of Diet Coke and Mentos makes a fountain, and so much more.  Often I think about concepts and principles differently than when I originally learned them, and sometimes there is a profound "ah-ha" moment that spills over into everyday life.

This last week, I had one of those "ah-ha" moments.  We are studying Rome...and this week specifically the fall of Rome.  My curriculum points out 4 "red flags" that were major contributors to Rome's downfall (now, I know there are others, but we are focusing on these four).
1.  Many people were poor.
2.  Entertainment was increasingly violent.
3.  The family was weakened and was no longer the basis of society.
4.  The people were no longer self-reliant.

If the purpose of History is to learn it so we do not have to repeat it, this list is pretty sobering.  Each of these points could be talked about in depth, but #4 stood out to me.

What is it about self-reliance that contributed to the fall of Rome?  It's really philosophically simple:  Without self-reliance, we loose our freedom.  Plain as that.  We will be conquered and subject to another's rule without being prepared.

Doctrine and Covenants 78:14 reveals the need for a church storehouse, and the reason is "...that the church may stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world."  If the Lord wants His church to be independent, he obviously wants the same independence for its members.  Elder Marion G. Romney (former counselor in the First Presidency) simply stated that "self-reliance is a prerequisite to the complete freedom to act."

So if “Self-reliance is the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family” (Handbook 2: Administering the Church[2010], 6.1.1), what area do you need to work on?

I challenge you to find an area of your life where you can become more self-reliant.  (Refer here if you need a refresher on some of the categories).  Then, do something about it.  Your freedom depends on it.

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